I am looking forward to attending Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union held this year in Washington D.C. It is always a great way to learn about latest research developments, get to know and meet again interesting people.
I will open the oral session on Hydrochronology: Advances in Tracer Methods and Modeling of Residence Times in Hydrology (H11G) on Monday morning at 8:00 am. The talk on "Towards improved travel time estimates that account for interfaces in the hydrological cycle" will present thoughts and ideas initiated during a Workshop on Water Ages in the Hydrological Cylce held in October 2018. We are currently preparing a review article and I will use the opportunity at AGU to show the current state of our effort to bring together challanges and opportunities for travel time analysis in critical zone science. I will further chair together with Natalie Orlowski, Todd Dawson, and Stephen Good the oral (H22H) and poster session (H22P) on Stable Isotopes in the Critical Zone: Methods, Applications, and Process Interpretations on Tuesday morning and afternoon. I am also involved in Theresa Blume's invited talk on The value of long-term observations for hydrological event response analysis (H11C-07). She will present methods and data we applied and gathered within the CAOS project, in which I was working during my PhD studies.
May 2022