Looking forward to the EGU General Assembly, where I will present the first time work I currently conduct with the Surface Hydrology and Erosion Group, Institute of Environmental Assessment and Water Research (IDAEA-CSIC), Barcelona, Spain. My analysis and interpretation of a stable isotope data set gathered by my colleagues from Barcelona will be briefly presented in a PICO session and I hope to welcome many peers at the screen afterwards for some discussion. I am sure there will be lots to talk about with this extensive and exciting data set from the Vallcebre catchment in the SE Pyrenees that shows distinct compositions in the mobile and bulk soil waters. Also Frencesc will present latest work from the long-term research catchment and he will focus on the young water fraction different compartments.
While both of these presentations will be on Tuesday, make sure to stay until Friday, as this the day when we will have the session on "Water, isotope and solute fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere interface: Investigations from the canopy to the root zone " (see earlier post below).
There will be an interesting session on "Water, isotope and solute fluxes in the soil-plant-atmosphere interface: Investigations from the canopy to the root zone" at this year's EGU General Assembly in Vienna. There are lots of exciting studies in the program contributing to
a poster session on Friday, 12 Apr, 10:45-12:30 and two oral slots Friday, 12 Apr, 14:00-18:00, Room 2.25! Make sure to arrange your travel plans to enable your participation on the last conference day! The session's description: During the passage of precipitation through the soil-plant-atmosphere interface, water and solutes are redistributed by the plant canopy, subsurface flow and transport processes. Many of these dynamic interactions between vegetation and soil are not yet well understood. This session brings together the vibrant community addressing a better understanding of ecohydrological processes taking place between the canopy and the root zone. Innovative methods investigating throughfall, stemflow, hydraulic redistribution, and root water uptake in various environments shed light on how water and solutes are routed in the thin layer covering the terrestrial ecosystems. The session further covers open questions and new opportunities within the ecohydrological community regarding methodological developments such as the analysis of stable isotope, soil moisture, throughfall or solute dynamics. Invited speakers: Daniele Penna (University of Florence, Italy) Darryl Carlyle-Moses (Thompson Rivers University, Canada) |
May 2022