Very interesting discussion on the topic of water ages in the hydrological cycle during last weeks workshop funded by the Wassernetzwerk Baden-Württemberg. The interdisciplinary organizing committee (Prof. Dr. Markus Weiler , Chair of Hydrology, University of Freiburg; Prof. Dr. Werner Aeschbach , Institute of Environmental Physics, Heidelberg University; Prof. Dr. Christiane Werner , Chair of Ecosystem Physiology, University of Freiburg; PD Dr. Christiane Stumpp , Helmholtz Zentrum München and University of Freiburg) brought together early career and senior scientists working on the different compartments of the hydrological cycle. This way, the workshop fostered exchange between the disciplines to get a better understanding of how the water flow in the unsaturated and saturated zone is affected by vegetation and atmosphere. The workshop ended with a field visit of a long-term experimental forest site close to Freiburg (Conventwald).
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EGU Session on "Stable isotopes to study water dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum"4/10/2017 I organize a session for EGU 2018 together with Josie Geris, Christophe Hissler, Pilar Llorens and Natalie Orlowski on "Stable isotopes to study water dynamics in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum". It is co-organized by the sections of Ecohydrology (HS10.5), Terrestrial Biogeoscience (BG2.1) and Soil System Science (SSS). Invited speaker will be Arthur Gessler from WSL, Zürich.
More info and the session description here. |
May 2022